Marshall County Health Department Accreditation Information
In the 2015-2016 fiscal year, Marshall County Health Department (MCHD) began our Journey to Excellence. In February of 2022, we were conferred Accredited status from the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Our goal is to continually improve and protect the health of the public by advancing the quality and performance of MCHD. The framework of PHAB’s Standards and Measures are derived from the 10 Essential Public Health Services and measures the capacity of how the health department delivers core functions of assessment, policy developments, and assurance. Reaching accreditation status helps our efforts to assure accountability to you, the community we serve; to meet our mission of improving the health of Marshall County; to build on our strengths; identify opportunities for improvement; and to place our health department in a competitive position for grant funding.
The Ten Essential Public Health Services
- Assess and monitor population health status, factors that influence health, and community needs and assets
- Investigate, diagnose, and address health problems and hazards affecting the population
- Communicate effectively to inform and educate people about health, factors that influence it, and how to improve it
- Strengthen, support, and mobilize communities and partnerships to improve health
- Create, champion, and implement policies, plans, and laws that impact health
- Utilize legal and regulatory actions designed to improve and protect the public’s health
- Assure an effective system that enables equitable access to the individual services and care needed to be healthy
- Build and support a diverse and skilled public health workforce
- Improve and innovate public health functions through ongoing evaluation, research, and continuous quality improvement
- Build and maintain a strong organizational infrastructure for public health

Page last updated 8-7-23